Story by Armand La Morte
Photos by Armand La Morte and Fidel Cenir
This morning witnessed another great and historic triumph of Tradition, as His Grace, Camillo Gregorio D.D., the Bishop of Batanes, culminated his apostolic priesthood once more as he offered the Sacrifice of the Mass, in the extraordinary form of the Roman rite - the Tridentine rite, at the Parish of Our Lord of the Divine Mercy, in Cubao, Q.C. It is another affirmation from God, that the Traditional Catholic movement is on the right path, and that the restoration of the Church, particularly here in Metro Manila, is well on its way.

The persecuted Bishop, who fought hard on the side of Tradition in his previous Diocese, seemingly mimicked the thanksgiving of St. Athanasius of Alexadria, for the continuing restoration of the Church. In his homily, His Grace thanked Our Lord and the Holy Father for the gift of Summorum Pontificum. He affirmed and highlighted some points of what Pope Benedict XVI, intends for the Church, namely the healing of rifts and dissentions among Catholics, and the unity of the Church, as the two valid forms of the Roman rite "enriches one another". His Grace also expressed his thanks and admiration to everyone present during the mass. Although the Extraordinary form was celebrated in the so-called 'Low Mass', nevertheless it was said in a very solemn manner that the people present meditatively, and enthusiastically assisted.

Fr. Jojo Zerrudo "concelebrated" (viz. according to Liturgy expert Carlos Palad, Fr. Jojo acted as 'First Chaplain') and actively served and assisted His Grace, throughout the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. After the celebration, the people joyfully flocked towards the Bishop to ask for his blessing, and to give their thanks and honor to this great servant of Our Lord and of His Church. May the Lord be praised and all glory be unto Him. That God continually bless his servant Reverend Bishop Camillo Gregorio in giving him the strength for the apostolic burden he has received.
For once allow me to concede to the Protestants, in singing "This is the day (2x)…that the Lord has made; I will rejoice (2x) and be glad in Him."
I assist Mr. Carl Schwalm, moderator of the Mater Dei website in the U.S.A. in listing Traditional Latin Masses in the U.S.A. and Canada. I also compile international statistics on our movement and act as server for our restored T.L.M. at Victoria, B.C., Canada.
The recent news for the Philippines is exciting but I have yet to find a link anywhere which simply lists the Traditional Latin Masses in the Philippines, preferably with times, addresses, and, above all, the names of the dioceses they are in. Do you know of such an on-line resource or list? Please let me know. I am doing an assessment of worldwide statistics but have incomplete information for the Philippines.
Sincerely in Christo et Maria,
Peter Karl T. Perkins
Victoria, B.C., Canada
To Peter Karl T. Perkins: here is a website that (tries to) list all of the TLM places in the world: I hope that you'll find what you're looking for in there. On the other hand, in case you spot any missing information about places that you know about, please do feel free to add it, as this is a wiki.
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