Pope Benedict XVI, in his address to the clergy of Rome on the 14th of February 2013, revealed that during the sessions of the Second Vatican Council, there was the Council of the Fathers -- the true council - and the "Council of the Media" - which was a virtual council. The "Council of the Media," so "dominant and efficient," was responsible for the distortions we now have of how the Second Vatican Council is understood. Vatican II never meant banalizing the liturgy or trivialization of it, nor did it mean decentralization of the Church, treating the Holy Scriptures as a mere book to be treated as something historical and nothing else, and so on.
As Pope Benedict XVI ends his Petrine ministry on February 28, everyone now is in anticipation for the upcoming conclave. Media is again not far behind, and is in fact even ahead of the true conclave! I believe what we are witnessing now is the "Conclave of the Media" having a head start while the Conclave of the Cardinals - the true conclave - will begin a week or two after Benedict XVI's papacy ends. The Conclave of the Media is mind conditioning, brainwashing and distorting once again the minds of the faithful by giving names of the media's favorite possible candidates to the Chair of St. Peter and why the faithful should want any of them as Pope. The media wants the next Pope to accept gay marriages, contraception, abortion, profane worship, and more. In other words, the media wants the next Pope to be a non-catholic. They may not find a non-catholic candidate but at least the next best thing...someone whom they think is the best person to forward its agenda or at least a step closer to it.
Satan is using once again media to destroy the Church by distorting the minds of the faithful. The good thing is that the Holy Spirit is in charge. As the true Church is slowly emerging from the ashes caused by the turmoil, calamity, havoc and distortions of the "Council of the Media" with the support of the heretical modernists, so too will she prevail in this conclave and for the years to come.
Thank you Pope Benedict XVI for setting the right course and steering the heavy Barque away from the "Council of the Media."
May God continue to protect and bless His One True Church. Amen.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Maternal Deaths
Proponents and supporters of the RH Bill argue that we need to pass this to law to help prevent the "high" number of maternal deaths in the country.
We already have an existing law to address this. Section 17a of Republic Act 9710, approved August 14, 2009, states that:
If this government is serious and hell bent in preventing maternal deaths, then it only has to implement and enforce #7 Section 17a of R.A. 9710. Put some of the 14B budget in health services, particularly in maternal health services (#7 Section 17a of R.A. 9710).
It is obvious, we don't need the R.H. Bill for it.
Section 17. Women's Right to Health. - (a) Comprehensive Health Services. - The State shall, at all times, provide for a comprehensive, culture-sensitive, and gender-responsive health services and programs covering all stages of a woman's life cycle and which addresses the major causes of women's mortality and morbidity: Provided, That in the provision for comprehensive health services, due respect shall be accorded to women's religious convictions, the rights of the spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions, and the demands of responsible parenthood, and the right of women to protection from hazardous drugs, devices, interventions, and substances. Access to the following services shall be ensured: ( 7) Prevention of abortion and management of pregnancy-related complications;I do not blame the simple folks for not knowing this law, but the pro RH doctors and lawyers and congressmen, among others, are misleading the people.
If this government is serious and hell bent in preventing maternal deaths, then it only has to implement and enforce #7 Section 17a of R.A. 9710. Put some of the 14B budget in health services, particularly in maternal health services (#7 Section 17a of R.A. 9710).
It is obvious, we don't need the R.H. Bill for it.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
“Filipinos! Unite Under God for Life!”
“Filipinos! Unite Under God for Life!”
Luneta Grandstand
March 25, 2011
The Feast of the Annunciation
PROGRAM: Emcees (Fr. Erick Santos, Fr. Joel Jason, Ms. Gaines Rosario)
Arrival and Animation - Emcees
Welcome and acknowledgment of Participants
70’s Beats and Pieces band
3:50 – 4:00
Lively Cultural Dance Number by Hiyas ng Pilipinas
4:00 – 4:15
Recitation of the Holy Rosary - youth group
4:15 – 4:45
Istasyon ng Krus Para sa Buhay
c/o Fr. Genie Diwa
4:45 – 5:00
Inter-faith prayer and Declaration of Opposition
c/o Fr. Caloy Reyes
5:00 – 6:00
Testimonies/Declaration of Opposition
Ms. Mae Belgica
Congresswoman Aliah Dimaporo
Cong. Lucy Torres-Gomez
Bro. Bo Sanchez
Cong. Roilo Golez on HB 13
Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile
Video Message from Cong. Manny Pacquiao
Recitation of Angelus/Prayer for the Unborn
led by Sr. Pilar
6:05 – 6:20
Animation and Inspirational Songs
6:20 – 7:00
“Interrogation” and “I Stand” chant
CFC Singles for Christ
Symbolic Tearing of RH bill by different sectors of society
- Youth (EJ Aguila and Renelyn Tan)
- Politician (Mayor Lito Atienza)
- Religious (Sr. Pilar Verzosa)
- Medical (Dra Angie Aguirre)
- Journalist
- Muslim Faith Sector (Cong. Aliah Dimaporo)
- Family
- Archbishop Paciano Aniceto (CBCP)
Live Pure presentation
“Masterpiece” song and dance
7:00 – 8:30
Holy Mass presided by His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, concelebrated by
Cardinal Jose Sanchez, and the Bishops and the Priests.
Prayers of the Faithful:
Doctors – Dr. Oscar Tinio
President, PMA
Catholic Physicians Guild – Joe Yamamoto / Oca Tagulinao
Lawyers – Justice Santiago Kapunan
President, IBP
Filipino Families – Rodrigo Family
Politicians – Michael Velarde
Buhay Party List
After Post Communion Prayer
Consecration of the Family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fr. Yulito Ignacio
Special Address by Bro. Mike Velarde of El Shaddai
Fireworks Display and Singing of Happy Birthday to celebrate LIFE.
Friday, February 18, 2011
URGENT: An International Appeal in Defense of Summorum Pontificum
A wide scale international appeal to the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has been organized to defend the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum against those who would want to restrict its application.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Michael Voris in Manila
Michael Voris of Real Catholic TV will give a talk for Defensores Fidei Foundation on February 24, 2011, 7:00PM -8:00 PM., at Christ the King Parish in Greenmeadows, Quezon City. Please spread the word. He will discuss how lay Catholics should respond to theological dissent, drawing upon the experience of lay American Catholics.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Extraordinary Form in Sunday TV Mass
Join us on Saturday, January 22 at 8:00PM for the taping of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass using the pre-Vatican II Missal of Pope John XXIII at the Parish of the Lord of the Divine Mercy in Sikatuna Village Quezon City. Celebrant is Father Michell Joe Zerrudo. It will be aired on Sunday, January 23 at 7:00AM over SOLAR-RPN9.
After Summorum Pontificum (at least in the Capital Region), this will be the first Sunday TV mass in the extraordinary form and the second televised mass. The first televised mass was in Christmas of 2008 at St. Jerome Emiliani and Sta. Susanna Parish in Alabang, aired in NBN4.
After Summorum Pontificum (at least in the Capital Region), this will be the first Sunday TV mass in the extraordinary form and the second televised mass. The first televised mass was in Christmas of 2008 at St. Jerome Emiliani and Sta. Susanna Parish in Alabang, aired in NBN4.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
CONFERENCE: A Global Perspective on the RH Bill
Listen and learn from experts from here and around the world to give us a wider perspective of the issues related to the RH Bill.
See conference programme: http://wyaasiapacific.blogspot.com/
January 27, 2011 (Thursday)
UP-NCPAG Assembly Hall, UP Diliman,
Quezon City Philippines
Instructions: Please complete application form on or before January 24, 2011. We will send you a confirmation email or fax regarding your registration.
Registration Fee:
Early Bird Rate: 250Php (deadline: January 24)
Regular Rate: 350Php *Financial assistance for participants is available . (Limited slots only)
For any questions about the conference and application process, please contact us at:
Telefax: +63 2 4330715 (look for Ann Bajo or Yolanda Joab)
E-mail: wyaap.conference@gmail.com
See conference programme: http://
Friday, December 31, 2010
Condom wielding DOH Secretary: GMA7's Public Servant of the Year.
"...Dr. Esperanza Cabral was last Valentine’s Day, handing out condoms on the streets of Manila to couples who appeared like they might need a few that night."
Dr. Esperanza Cabral: GMANews.TV’s Public Servant of the Year
Dr. Esperanza Cabral: GMANews.TV’s Public Servant of the Year
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 03, 2010
Does survey determine the truth?
"And those people should not be listened to who keep saying the voice of the people is the voice of God, since the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness." - Alcuin to Charlemagne
We are facing a dangerous trend where people are beginning to think what is moral should dictated by numbers instead of what is natural. Somebody is leading the country to thread on dangerous grounds where people, specially the leaders, believe that truth is subjective and based on popularity. This is the fallacy of democracy.
We are facing a dangerous trend where people are beginning to think what is moral should dictated by numbers instead of what is natural. Somebody is leading the country to thread on dangerous grounds where people, specially the leaders, believe that truth is subjective and based on popularity. This is the fallacy of democracy.
Without noticing it, there is now a dangerous tendency to determine not only legal, but also moral issues, or what is right and what is wrong, through popularity surveys. Playing the numbers game to decide legal or moral issues is getting to be an accepted norm in our democratic society. The current view is that if 6, 7 or 8 out of 10 people surveyed think that a certain proposition is true and correct, or is legal, then that proposition should be accepted and adopted. If carried to the extremes, it means that if the same number of people or all of them believe that two plus two equals five then it should be accepted as true and correct.More here: Determining the truth through surveys by Atty. Jose C. Sison, Philippine Star columnist.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
SSPX joins the Vigil Tonight
I am informed that the Society of St. Pius X at the Our Lady of Victories will be joining the Holy Father tonight in prayer for nascent human life after their 6:30pm Mass. Their vigil will end at midnight.
(Sounds strange that a group considered to be "rebels" are uniting themselves with the Holy Father in tonight's vigil but we don't hear any announcements or organization coming from the CBCP or bishops from the Philippines except for a very few.)
(Sounds strange that a group considered to be "rebels" are uniting themselves with the Holy Father in tonight's vigil but we don't hear any announcements or organization coming from the CBCP or bishops from the Philippines except for a very few.)
YES! for Benedict
"We express sincere gratitude to you, Holy Father, for your leadership in this gravely needed initiative, and in the fight for life around the world. In prayer, we renew and redouble our efforts, trusting that the Author of Life will guide us toward victory in defending our most vulnerable brothers and sisters."
If you pledge to participate in the Vigil for Nascent Human Life, have your names included in the thank you note to the Holy Father. Register here: YES! for Benedict
If you pledge to participate in the Vigil for Nascent Human Life, have your names included in the thank you note to the Holy Father. Register here: YES! for Benedict
El Shaddai's anti-RH vigil
COME and JOIN !!!!
Prayer Vigil for the Nascent Human Life
DATE: November 27, 2010
TIME: 5:30 PM
Amvel City Compound, Parañaque
Pope Benedict has earlier called on all Catholics to join the prayer vigil for “All Nascent of Human Life” on the eve of the first Sunday of Advent which will be celebrated in all dioceses and parishes.
7:00 PM ………….. TESTIMONY
7: 30 PM …………. HOLY MASS
Its time to unite our stand and get involved in the most important role you can ever have as a Baptized Catholic, Following Gods command to spread the One True Faith. Defend Mother Church and be counted in this battle for LIFE from womb to tomb against all its threats.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Bishop Conley on the New Translation
Among other things, reading this made my day (emphasis mine):
(Referring to the current translation of ICEL):
(Referring to the New Mass Translation):
God “makes it possible for us, though we are but creatures, to sing and worship with the angels” – an awe-inspiring task for which household objects, popular music, and casual language are inappropriate. Bishop Conley indicated that many attempts to make worship feel more familiar, have instead made it less inspiring.
(Referring to the New Mass Translation):
More here: Bishop explains how new Mass translation 'reaches up to heaven'
The new Mass translation reasserts “the continuity of the Novus Ordo (Mass) with the ancient liturgy of the Church” – where the apostles and the first Christians understood themselves to be “singing the song of angels,” participating in a heavenly ceremony while on earth.
Bishop Conley cited the words of Pope Benedict XVI, who said Catholic worship “presupposes … that the heavens have been opened,” and must reflect this reality. “This is the truth we need to recover,” the bishop taught. “Christ has rent the heavens and come down to us. Again he has been lifted up and carried into heaven to take his seat at the right hand of power.”
Bishop Conley specified a number of changes intended to recapture this sense of the sacred in the new translation, including the revival of the congregation's traditional response “and with your spirit,” the restored and “more faithfully translated” prayer of the priest before the Eucharistic rite, and the more exalted language in the “Gloria” hymn.
“Our new Mass translation replaces the mundane affirmation –'Happy are those who are called to (Christ's) supper'– with a confession of faith … 'Blessed are those called to the Supper of the Lamb'.” The bishop explained that these changes “get us closer to the theological richness and the poetry of the original Latin.”
The kind of media we have
I've just read from a friend's wall post in Facebook that ABS-CBN's Umagang Kay Ganda hosts commenting on WHO's acclaim of Pope Benedict XVI that the Pope "says" the use of condoms by men and women to avoid AIDS is "morally justifiable."
My friend commented that it is PLAIN LYING. Indeed they are. They grossly misinterpreted and misrepresented what Pope Benedict said. This is what media will never quote from the Holy Father in the same book: “…that we cannot solve the problem by distributing condoms. Much more needs to be done,” ; “…But this just goes to show that condoms alone do not resolve the question itself” ; “ This means that the sheer fixation on the condom implies a banalization of sexuality, which, after all, is precisely the dangerous source of the attitude of no longer seeing sexuality as the expression of love, but only a sort of drug that people administer to themselves” ; “…But it is not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection. That can really lie only in a humanization of sexuality.” [Ref: Pope Benedict and the Condom Question by Rev. Fr. Joel O. Jason SThL]
This is professional stupidity coming from the Umagang Kay Ganda hosts.
This is why the reason I stopped watching that program. You can never get anything intelligent coming from their cretin hosts. Their show is all BS.
My friend commented that it is PLAIN LYING. Indeed they are. They grossly misinterpreted and misrepresented what Pope Benedict said. This is what media will never quote from the Holy Father in the same book: “…that we cannot solve the problem by distributing condoms. Much more needs to be done,” ; “…But this just goes to show that condoms alone do not resolve the question itself” ; “ This means that the sheer fixation on the condom implies a banalization of sexuality, which, after all, is precisely the dangerous source of the attitude of no longer seeing sexuality as the expression of love, but only a sort of drug that people administer to themselves” ; “…But it is not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection. That can really lie only in a humanization of sexuality.” [Ref: Pope Benedict and the Condom Question by Rev. Fr. Joel O. Jason SThL]
This is professional stupidity coming from the Umagang Kay Ganda hosts.
This is why the reason I stopped watching that program. You can never get anything intelligent coming from their cretin hosts. Their show is all BS.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Crisis of Journalism
The media frenzy of what it thought to be a 360 degree turn of the Catholic Church's doctrine of using condoms is truly lamentable. The secular society, liberal and progressive factions, quickly swarmed like vultures over a piece of dead meat. The lie quickly spread like wildfire and the proponents of the RH Bill in both government and private sector celebrated like the Emperor Nero when he burned Rome to ashes.
Despite numerous clarifications coming from the Vatican and Church representatives, the journalists seems to have never reported anything that would correct the lie they helped spread. They continued with presenting headlines such as "Vatican: Everyone can use condoms to prevent HIV" or "Vatican broadens case for condoms to fight AIDS" or "Condoms lesser of two evils." The author of the book "Light of the World," Peter Seewald decried a "crisis of journalism" that the Pope's words were taken out of context or falsely presented around the world and yet this has never reached the headlines.
It is becoming clear that their continued persistence on the lie that the Pope and the Catholic Church has already deviated from her previous teaching is indeed an open and direct assault against the Catholic Church by the secular press.
Irresponsible Journalism: SHAME ON YOU!
ABS-CBN News Team should be ashamed of themselves for posting such a headline. It is clear that they did not make a thorough research on the matter but only rely on their international news agencies as sources.
This is a sample of irresponsible, bias and idiotic journalism coming from ABS-CBN. Having been experts in making sensational reporting out of police reports such as mugging, robberies, rapes, road accidents must have exhausted a lot of neurons.
This is their headline now:
Only shows what their goal is.
This is today's headline from the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
This one comes from the Philippine Star:
These broadsheets are becoming more useful as fishwraps for tinapa and tuyo.
This is their headline now:
Only shows what their goal is.
This is today's headline from the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
This one comes from the Philippine Star:
These broadsheets are becoming more useful as fishwraps for tinapa and tuyo.
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